Destination Agency of the Central Bohemian Uplands

Destination Agency of the Central Bohemian Uplands was added to the list of non-profit companies registered by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem on 12 November 2012. The founders are the City of Litoměřice, the Ústí nad Labem Region and the Bishopric of Litoměřice.

Logo Ústecký krajLogo LitoměřiceLogo Biskupství Litoměřice

The main goal of the established destination management organization is the coordination of the intentions of key actors in the field of tourism.

Further information also on the separate website of the Destination Agency of the Central Bohemian Uplands

Definition of the destination Central Bohemian Uplands

Vymezení destinace České středohoří


Field of activity includes the following services of public interest:


  • Destination management activities in the area of ​​the Central Bohemian Uplands, ie activities carried out for the purpose of providing services of public interest, the aim of which is to develop the region-destination, support tourism and free time activities. The region means the destination Central Bohemian Uplands (České středohoří) and Říp and its surroundings (Podřipsko), consisting mainly of the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Central Bohemian Uplands, including Litoměřice, Lovosice region, Podřipsko region (Roudnice nad Labem), part of Ústí nad Labem region (outside the Krušné Mountains), part Teplicko region (part of the PLA Central Bohemian Uplands), part Děčínsko region (Verneřicko, cycle route No. 2 - EuroVelo from the Elbe Trail in the Ústí nad Labem Region). Administratively: the territory of administrative municipalities Litoměřice, Roudnice nad Labem, Lovosice, Ústí nad Labem - partially, Děčín - partially, Teplice - partially, Louny-peripheral part.
  • Destination Agency of the Central Bohemian Uplands is one of the four destination agencies in the Ústí Region. It works closely with the Administration of the Protected Landscape Area of Central Bohemian Uplands, local action groups, interest groups and associations, and the local administration.
  • The company also participates in the preparation of strategic documents in the field of regional development and tourism at the level of the administrative municipalities, the statutory city of Ústí nad Labem and the Ústí nad Labem Region; it also participates in the preparation of strategies and studies. In its activities, the company works closely with business entities in the territory of its destination, ensures their promotion, inclusion in a number of programs, etc.
  • The company fulfills the tasks given by the decision of the Ústí nad Labem Regional Council on the field of regional development (i.e. Gateway to Bohemia project, Elbe Trail - cycle route No. 2, EuroVelo 7), i.e. it actively promotes the development of the Central Bohemian Uplands and Podřipsko, tourist destinations, attractions and products. It focuses on the inhabitants of the region, and especially on the areas of the Czech Republic and Saxony with the aim of developing the number of visitors to the destination.
  • The company manages the regional brand "ČESKÉ STŘEDOHOŘÍ regional product®" in order to use the potential of local producers, including handcrafted products, to promote the destination, ensure the development of producers and their economic sustainability. At the same time, in cooperation with entrepreneurs and local organizations, it ensures the connection of products with services and tourist experiences.
  • The company is carrying out the project "North West Bohemia Convention Bureau" (congress and incentive tourism, M.I.C.E), under the banner of the Czech Tourist Board - CzechTourism.
  • Organizing and supporting of events in the field of tourism, sports and provision of tourist services.
  • Care for the landscape, natural and environmental preservation, protection of natural and cultural heritage and small cultural monuments.
  • Providing or arranging guide services. Revitalization of cultural and social life as well as support of all local initiatives in order to connect and improve the services and life of the population.
  • Identification and support of projects, especially in the field of tourism, environment and sustainable regional development.
  • Finding other possible financial sources for financing development projects.
  • Acquisition of new machines and technologies for the restoration and maintenance of natural or cultural heritage.
  • Renovation, maintenance, construction and operation of areas, buildings and premises for business in tourism (shops, kiosks, restaurants, kitchens, accommodation, cultural and information centers), acquisition of information systems, information technology, involvement in information networks.
  • Within the development of tourism, cooperation in the development and building of infrastructure and coordination of cycling and hiking, and its connection transport of rail, road, air and ship.
  • Interregional or international cooperation in the field of services of public interest of such kinds as were mentioned above.

More information on separate website of the Destination Agency of the Central Bohemian Uplands