
Calvary – Three Crosses

The top of Calvary with an altitude of 239 m is part of the Elbe massif of the Czech Gate (Porta Bohemica) on the right bank of the Elbe with three crosses at the top.

Thanks to the erosion activity of the Elbe River, the surface of the area is covered with primordial rocks, which is unique in the Bohemian Central Highlands. In the Kalvárie Nature Reserve, the most significant parts of the nature reserve are the steep rocky slopes with the occurrence of dry-loving rock steppe communities. Here we can find the endangered green lizard, or the Bohemian scrub lizard, blooming in early spring.

There is also a nice viewpoint called Tři kříže, which offers a view of the adjacent landscape of the Bohemian Central Highlands, the Žernosecká vineyards and the Elbe River valley, which is called Porta Bohemica.


Kalvárie - Tři Kříže




Lookout towers and viewpoints Peaks