
For views of Porto Bohemica

The picturesque canyon-like valley of the Elbe River, which winds from Velké and Malé Žernosky to Ústí nad Labem, is called Porta Bohemica. The view of the river, which undulates between the peaks of the Bohemian Central Highlands on both sides, is spectacular. Go for the most beautiful views.

The route can be chosen as a circuit of about 10 km with the starting and finishing point in Dolní Zálezly or about half, where the starting and finishing point will be in the village of Dubičky.

Circuit 10 km - Mlynářův kříž and Doerellova vyhlídka

From Dolní Zálezel from the railway station, follow the green trail towards Dubice for about 700m, where you turn right at Stupka Meadow onto the blue nature trail and climb 1 km up to the waterfall of Moravanský Brook.

Continue on the blue trail, turn left at the fork until it joins back to the green trail. Follow it over one viewpoint, Mlynářův kámen, to Dubičky to the church of St. Barbara, where you can enjoy more views. From here you can continue on along the yellow trail to Doerell's lookout (1.5 km) or take the green trail back to Dolní Zálezel. The trip can be made by train - from Ústí nad Labem and back.

Refreshments: Dubice - www.restauraceubecku.cz or Dubičky - www.penzion-dubicky.cz

5 km circuit - only from Dubice

If you are driving and you have smaller children or you don't want to go uphill, you can drive directly to Dubice and walk to the right and left to the Mlynář's Cross or to the Doerell's lookout on the other side. If we have time and inclination, we can continue from the Moravanský waterfall along the yellow trail to the Skalky lookout point (about 2.5 km one route) or we can take the trip from Dolní Zálezel over the waterfalls to Skalky and back as one separate hike.

Západ ze skalek (od MmÚL).jpg

Viewpoints in the surroundings of Dubice

There are several interesting sightseeing places near the village of Dubice.

These places include viewpoints such as Skály, Skalky, Mlynář's Stone, Doerell's viewpoint, Josefínka or the viewpoint from Dubický kostelík. Most of these places offer views of the Elbe River valley and the Bohemian Central Highlands.


Informační středisko města Ústí nad Labem
Mírové náměstí 1/1
Ústí nad Labem

Web page



Lookout towers and viewpoints