Jízdárna Terezín.jpg

Neobvykle architektonicky řešená jízdárna založená roku 1780 Josefem II. připravující expozici seznamující návštěvníky s užitím koní v době válečných tažení v dobách Marie Terezie.

An unusually architecturally designed riding hall founded in 1780 by Joseph II. preparing an exhibition introducing visitors to the use of horses during the war campaigns in the times of Maria Theresa.

Terezín Fortress had several riding stables from the 18th century. However, all of them were outdoors. It was only 80 years later that a new indoor riding hall was built near the Horse Riding (now Magdeburg) Barracks. It was designed in 1860-1861 and completed a year later.

The riding hall served its original purpose until the Second World War, during the Jewish ghetto during the occupation it was used as a warehouse and after the liberation it was used as a repair shop for the Czechoslovak army.

Today, it is again used for its original purpose of training riders and their horses. However, you can also meet here dog training from agility, dogdancing to obedience. The Riding School also includes an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Riding School and military equestrian units.


Jízdárna Terezín
Palackého 260

Telephone contact
+420 732 640 897


Web page


Sports ground

Photo gallery