Rozhledna U Zámečku Lovosice.jpg

Viewpoint “U Zámečku” – Lovosice

A 7.3-meter-high lookout tower including a gallery at 4 meters was built on an artificial hill, where ice was stored in the past for cooling beer in a nearby restaurant. The structure consisting of 40 twelwe-meter poles in the shape of a hyperboloid is anchored to a reinforced concrete platform.

Near the Café Zámeček and the ferry (across the river Elbe to Píšťany) there is a beautiful lookout tower. It is located on the site of the original wooden gazebo, which was built here in 1865 by a member of the Schwarzenberg family together with a inn. The viewpoint stands on an artificial hill, which consists of a buried two-storey building originally serving as a beer cellar and ice house for the needs of a cruise restaurant.

In the spring of 2019, it was built here by the company Raeder & Falge in cooperation with architect Luboš Hruška. Instead of the original gazebo above, the architect designed a wooden lookout with a steel staircase and a tarpaulin roof visible from afar. The place has a view not only of the river, but also of Porta Bohemica and Radobýl.

A tourist and historical business cards from “Wander Book” can be purchased in the café.


Vyhlídka U Zámečku



Lookout towers and viewpoints