Regional brand - ČESKÉ STŘEDOHOŘÍ Regional product

A journey through the flavours and scents of the Bohemian Central Highlands

Explore local gastronomy directly with the producers themselves and taste the Bohemian Central Highlands with all your senses.

Journey of the Bohemian Central Highlands

Head to the local workshops for traditional handicrafts and bring back a beautiful gift or souvenir.

AnnKas Bee Farm – Úštěk

Certified handmade beeswax candles.

Beer lagers of the Podřipský mini-brewery – Ctiněves

Certified Podřipské beers 12 ° wheat and Light lager 11 ° from the family brewery at the foot of Říp.

Beer Lanýž - Courtyard Pearl Water

All beers are labeled Lanýž, are of different degrees and forms of fermentation (top-fermented, bottom-fermented beers), are unpasteurized and unfiltered.

Beers produced by Na Rychtě Brewery - Ústí nad Labem

A complete range of beers produced by the Na Rychtě Brewery

Carpentry courses

Jan Marek's carpentry courses are held privately in the house No. 15 in Merboltice, Verneřice.

Ceramic souvenir magnets - Režný Újezd

Handmade original ceramic magnets made of white clay.

Chopped fences – Štětí

Maintenance-free chopped-wood fences.

Coffee roastery Zoban – Litoměřice

Local roastery of exquisite coffee beans and coffee shop.

Dried fruits from the Central Bohemian Uplands

Hand-picked and dried apples and pears from orchards from the Central Bohemian Uplands

Excursion to the AnnKas bee farm

A unique excursion to the bees in beekeeping suits, talking and tasting honey and mead.

Gingerbread cookies from Podřipsko – Dušníky

Markéta Nebeská's hand-baked and decorated gingerbread is one of the important and delicious regional products.

Goat and cow cheeses from Pod Strážným vrchem Farm Merboltice

Homemade, handmade organic goat and cow cheeses made on the farm.

Goat farm Držovice

Family farm in the country with its own production of dairy products from goat, sheep and cow milk.

Handmade paper workshop – Litoměřice

The shop and workshop offer handmade paper and small gifts made of handmade paper.

Handmade soaps and shampoos - Bohemikus Soap Factory

Soaps and hair shampoos made by hand with herbs, coffee, spices and quality oils can be found in Moravany at Mrs. Hedvika's.

HistoryPark – Ledčice

HistoryPark Ledčice is a place presenting information about the past, as well as ways to obtain them. The history of the surroundings of the Říp mountain since prehistoric times is presented here.

Honey - Filip Horák – Litoměřice

Certified production of home-made honey

Honey and honey products from Lovečkovice

Multi-species, tasty and high quality honey from the Bohemian Central Highlands.