A journey through the flavours and scents of the Bohemian Central Highlands
Explore local gastronomy directly with the producers themselves and taste the Bohemian Central Highlands with all your senses.
The local countryside offers not only a variety of hiking trails and sightseeing trips, but also the experience of visiting local producers and producers.
What does traditional craftsmanship look like, how are handmade products made, what does local food taste and smell like?
You will learn all this on the culinary Journey of Tastes and Flavours of the Czech Central Highlands.
Head to the workshops and shops of regional producers. Most of them are just a knock away, some are better to call ahead. Experience the local atmosphere for yourself!
1. PART OF THE ROAD (Litoměřicko)
2. PART OF THE ROAD (Vernericko, Úštěcko)
3. PART OF THE ROAD (Moravany, Klapý, Roudnice nad Labem)

Organic beef - Agrokomplex Verneřice
Organic beef comes from our own animals raised on our own organic farm in Verneřice and the surrounding pastures.
Agrokomplex Verneřice deals with organic cattle breeding, operates an organic slaughterhouse and focuses a large part of its activities on agricultural mechanization.
Organic beef - certified product
The meat comes only from our own animals raised on our own organic farm. The animals are fed only with their own feed - hay, haylage, scraps, pasture. The whole complex, including the animals, is certified organic. Slaughtering takes place in our own organic slaughterhouse, also certified.
Meat is sold in quarters/poles to the consumer network (butchers, restaurants).
History of the company
The company was founded on 28 September 1992 by Mr. Josef Douša and his son. After the collapse of the State Farm Verneřice, the company bought the existing equipment, buildings and animals from him and took on most of the employees, some of whom still work in the company today.
The company Agrokomplex spol. s r. o. is located and operates in Verneřice in the area of the Czech Central Highlands Protected Landscape Area.
Agrokomplex spol. s r.o.
Příbramská 278
407 25 Verneřice
Phone Contact
+420 731 489 340
(Jakub Douša)
+420 731 109 973
(Ing. Helena Doušová)
(Jednatel/BIO chov skotu)