A journey through the flavours and scents of the Bohemian Central Highlands
Explore local gastronomy directly with the producers themselves and taste the Bohemian Central Highlands with all your senses.
The local countryside offers not only a variety of hiking trails and sightseeing trips, but also the experience of visiting local producers and producers.
What does traditional craftsmanship look like, how are handmade products made, what does local food taste and smell like?
You will learn all this on the culinary Journey of Tastes and Flavours of the Czech Central Highlands.
Head to the workshops and shops of regional producers. Most of them are just a knock away, some are better to call ahead. Experience the local atmosphere for yourself!
1. PART OF THE ROAD (Litoměřicko)
2. PART OF THE ROAD (Vernericko, Úštěcko)
3. PART OF THE ROAD (Moravany, Klapý, Roudnice nad Labem)

Porta Bohemica ice cream
Handmade ice cream produced from fruit and cream from the Garden of Czechia
Porta Bohemica ice cream is handmade artisan ice cream made from local regional ingredients, which are mainly fruit, herbs, cream, milk, water and sugar.
Raw materials
Nutty ice creams really have nuts in them. The best Dutch cocoa and fine chocolate are used. You can also enjoy special sorbets with nettle or herbs. The fruit comes from local farmers from the fertile Bohemian Garden.
You can taste, for example, raspberry sorbet from the Ploskovice raspberry farm with nettles, plum ice cream with liqueur, strawberry ice cream with cream and mint and many other delicious variants.
Sale of ice cream
Food Truck - Zimoř u Úšteka:-)
Opening hours - spring - autumn
Mon - Sun from 11 am to 5 pm - longer depending on weather and customers
Manufacturing plant
Terezín - Golf Kotlina
Fior di Créme s.r.o. - Lidická 405/3, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou - sídlo firmy
PRODEJNY: Zimoř Foodtruck u Úštěka a Liběšice 145 u Litoměřic
411 46
Phone Contact
+420 739 463 296